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Sweet Garden FC Agave

Born 4/19/2013
ADGA D1666077P
LA 2015: A+V+ 80
LA 2014: +V+A 80
Aggie is a naturally polled, white and gold doe that comes from an impressive milking line. Her mother was a heavy milker, and Aggie seems to have inherited her good genetics. Her udder is beautiful - well attached with teats with large orifices. She is such a pleasure to milk! I'm looking for good things from this girl in 2015.
Kidding History
2015: 2 Polled Does, 2 Polled Bucklings
2014: Twin Bucklings
Aggie's Maternal Grandsire:
SG NC Promisedland Peeping Tom +*B
++E 84
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