MeadowSweet Blue LVA Twilight 1*M

ADGA D1610858
Born 4/13/2011
LA 2017: VEE+ 85
LA 2015: ++V+ 82
LA 2014: VE++ 86
Twilight is a beautiful black doe with a tiny brown moonspot over her shoulder blades. She is our herd queen with an extremely sweet personality. This doe has kidded easily and has not experienced any complications. Twilight has been consistently rated high for her dairy strength, rump angle, rear udder arch and teat length.
She has been a wonderful milker with a long milking curve over the years, reaching 305 days (10 months) of milking when not dried up early for kidding. Twilight's teats are also long with big orifices which make her extremely comfortable and easy to milk out.
In 2015, Twilight produced 713 pounds of milk for her 305-day USDA milk test. She averaged 6.63% fat and 4.28% protein during the 2015 milk test. Hopefully, she will earn her milk star this year!
Kidding History
2013: Twin Bucks
2014: Quads - 2 Does, 2 Bucks
2015: Quads - 1 Doe, 3 Bucks
2016: Triplets - 2 Does, 1 Buck
2017: Quads - 2 Does, 2 Bucks
Sire: Lost Valley Morgan's Annachie *S
Dam: Dawnland Sea's May Day
Sire's Sire: Lost Valley LB Creed *S
Sire's Dam: Lost Valley KW Morgan 4*D AGS 88.7 VG
Dam's Sire: Twin Creeks BW Sudden Sea *S
Dam's Dam: Sandy Hollow HB Jellybean